
Inordinate memories

Cause a racing

akin to a heartache

Subdued thoughts

threatening to go burst

Rush forth

Overwhelmingly sly

recounted many a times

Erase, delete …unsafe

A shared secret…

Igniting imaginary tales for… monks

grisly Cloaked

Heart amending

needs no probing

Stirred yearnings

suppressed; in recess

devoid of access

A paralyzing battle deeply fought

A final closure though richly sought

Must not the lid to the abyss fraught

Lest the gains be lost in seeking the spoils

©Amaka Paul 2022


Studied silence;
broken occasionally
whet my appetite;
keep me hopeful
hanging precariously;
on bare promises
ready and willing..

Out of the ashes
You fan the embers
Feed the hearth
and stoke some more
You relentlessly ignite
a passion beyond your control

A little wind,
and you’re out of your depth
Haunted by the cross you wield;
Torn between your pains;
our pleasure,
and surrendering without measure
to the One whom you pledge
to serve and uphold

Love to hate you
with all of me,
I’d rather keep fallen;
With all of me
In love with you
The long silences
enjoyed by you,
leaves me;

©Amaka Paul 2020



Gradual withdrawal;

He was unloving me

Breaking my heart,

Unlearning his feelings

for me

Hardening his shell

Blurring the memories

of us

Building walls

It was invincible;

I was vulnerable

Shutters fall; Heart shut

Eyes wide open,


I’m here.

From a distance,

maintaining a façade

afraid of losing control

What we shared was passionate

What I felt was unbridled,

Unflinching, pure love

Unacceptable by our circumstances

Hard not to fall again

Beware the Achilles;

the last time was a tug…

of war… the flesh won

The will not so worn

Some things in life are fleeting.

Thief of my heart;

 he came

invaded my hut

Basked in my love,

Left me wondering…




Inexplicable emptiness

myriad of unanswered queries

Ensnared in your web

unending fall into oblivion

Blindfolded, hands flailing;

a fleeting tabloid

Frantically rummaging

seeking for grasp of light

in a place of dryness

A handsome abode

where warmth is taboo

©Amaka Paul 2020

Image: Google Images